The Project

The Kenaniah Project began during a worldwide pandemic, when a quarantined group of Eastman School of Music students met together over Zoom to study Scripture and pray. We all shared a passion; we all desired to serve God best with our musical giftings. Although we were a group of friends who played vastly different instruments and musical styles, God began to knit our hearts together musically and spiritually. 

As we studied Scripture, we encountered the story of a man in the Old Testament whom King David established as the music director of Israel. 2 Chronicles 15:22 tells us that King David appointed this man because, “He understood music.” His deep understanding of his craft gave him authority to direct musicians, create music, and lead people in musical worship. We resonated with his heart and came to understand the significance of a musician’s calling in worship. And that Old Testament music director’s name became ours: Kenaniah.

Although we did not rehearse for the first several months of our existence, the Holy Spirit was at work. Through scripture, He taught us about the depth of our calling and the significance of our God-given gifts. When we began to rehearse, we played with a newfound sense of purpose. We came together as musical creators and influencers with one calling and one goal: to glorify God. 

During a worldwide pandemic, God transformed a group of friends from the Eastman School of Music into a musical ensemble with the mission to unite faith and artistic excellence for His glory. He crafted a sound that combines elements of classical, jazz, and folk music -- a sound that celebrates every member’s unique musical talents and experiences. Now, we continue to live out our faith together, both on and off the stage, as we seek to know our Creator more intimately and express His character through the beauty of music.